I wish this poem had been in my mind a couple weeks back. Having just visited quite a few "preeminent" museums, I think I would have found the absurd crowds more enjoyable if I had been able to picture people crowding around "the best paintings" leaving with sadness and the image of a Rothko in their minds instead of what they had just snapped a photo of and quickly walked away.
I should have written this poem years ago. It could have changed your whole experience of these preeminent museums... but ultimately I'm just glad that your experience didn't include any Rothko based meltdowns, yours or anyone else's. Also, I wish I could have seen these crowds (and the paintings) at these museums through your eyes like the Beastmaster seeing through the eyes of a tiger / hawk / wolf.
crawling up out of the earth to say thank you
Having worked in museum security, this tracks
thank you 🙏 we need more museum security guards like you
I wish this poem had been in my mind a couple weeks back. Having just visited quite a few "preeminent" museums, I think I would have found the absurd crowds more enjoyable if I had been able to picture people crowding around "the best paintings" leaving with sadness and the image of a Rothko in their minds instead of what they had just snapped a photo of and quickly walked away.
I should have written this poem years ago. It could have changed your whole experience of these preeminent museums... but ultimately I'm just glad that your experience didn't include any Rothko based meltdowns, yours or anyone else's. Also, I wish I could have seen these crowds (and the paintings) at these museums through your eyes like the Beastmaster seeing through the eyes of a tiger / hawk / wolf.
This is insane I love it
Thank u Marlene
The Phoenix art museum is always so tame… not wishing it but hoping to stir up some controversy on my next visit