Sunday Notes
Went to church and there were four dead bees on the floor of the pew in front of me.
Black spots on the tile almost made it look like six dead bees in a row, but it was only four.
There’s a big rose garden outside the church, and my hypothesis is that these bees, after overdosing on rose pollen, felt cool air pouring out of a crack in a stained glass window, so they flew inside believing they were entering a kind of psychedelic heaven.
Instead of paying attention during the service, I kept waiting for the line of shadow falling on this tile to move up, so the dead bees would be in the light instead of the shadow, thereby improving my photograph, but the line of shadow never moved.
Got up early after finally getting a good night’s sleep.
Like how if you get money, you increase your spending, resulting in nothing changing.
You convince yourself you can eat more pizza now, and drink more beer, because you’re in shape.
You pass laws to improve your neighborhood so you don’t have to get to know your neighbors.
You bail out the ship — not so that it won’t sink — but so you can experience the sensation of being on a sinking ship — which you obviously love — for longer.